443 Manse Road
Building Details
Listing History for 443 Manse Road Townhomes
Maintenance Fees
About 443 Manse Road — 443 Manse Road Townhomes
The Suites
We’ve aggregated a number of stats at 443 Manse Road. Here are some highlights: In the past 12 months, 2 units have sold, and 0 has been rented. Meanwhile, property values here have increased by 4.24%.
Units at 443 Manse Road Townhomes have a low likelihood of receiving more than one offer, and on average they sell for -2.88% below the listed price. Suites here have an average cost per-square-foot of $570 based on sales over the past 12 months, and the median time a unit spends on the market is 51 days.
The Neighbourhood
Residents can enjoy several great restaurants in the area. Some popular places nearby include Karlas Roadhouse, Papa John's Pizza and Chicken Biryani Take-out. Need caffeine to open your eyes in the morning? No worries, Starbucks, Coffee Time and McDonald's have you covered...
There are a number of grocery stores within a short drive, including M&M Food Market, Zamzam supermarket and halal meat and Food Basics.
There are a number of banks within a short drive, including Scotiabank and CIBC Branch with ATM for all your investment needs.
Getting some fresh air is a breeze when you live at 443 Manse Road because excellent green spaces like Morningside Waterbed and Asterfield - Plumrose Boulevard Parkette are walkable in under 6 minutes.
Enhance your personal style while living in the West Hill neighbourhood by visiting Maystone Plaza, Morningside Crossing and Kingston Square.
When the weekend rolls around, Galary 1265 and Hand Painted Blinds are within a short 4-minute drive away.
There are plenty of nearby school choices — West Hill Public School, Highland Creek Public School and St Margaret's Public School — with more in neighbouring areas so you can find the best school for your child’s needs. If you're open to commuting, a quick transit ride offers even more options, including West Hill Collegiate Institute WHCI and Rouge Valley Education Center (RVEC).
Transit riders can catch the Kingston Rd At Manse Rd within minutes. McCowan isn’t within a close walking distance, but you can drive there in about 16 minutes.
If you’re interested in checking out other similar condos within walking distance, you might like 4662 Kingston Road, 4687-4715 Kingston Road and 55 Collinsgrove Road.
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Based on the dissemination area as defined by Statistics Canada. A dissemination area contains, on average, approximately 200 – 400 households.
Price Trends
Building Trends At 443 Manse Road Townhomes
Days on Strata
List vs Selling Price
Offer Competition
Turnover of Units
Property Value
Price Ranking
Sold Units
Rented Units
Best Value Rank
Appreciation Rank
Rental Yield
High Demand
Transaction Insights at 443 Manse Road
3 Bed | 3 Bed + Den | |
Price Range | $645,000 | No Data |
Avg. Cost Per Sqft | $587 | No Data |
Price Range | No Data | No Data |
Avg. Wait for Unit Availability | 181 Days | 1196 Days |
Avg. Wait for Unit Availability | No Data | No Data |
Ratio of Units in Building | 93% | 8% |
Unit Sales vs Inventory
Total number of units listed and sold in West Hill